i've been using the same shampoo for quite a while now but it isn't doing much to my hair. i live in a place where it's always hot and the air is humid. i have short hair and it isn't really dry nor is it really oily. i usually wash my hair once a day or once in two days. lately, my hair has also been falling just a little bit and i'm a bit worried about that. could anyone suggest which shampoo/conditioner/hair product is best for me to use to keep my hair healthy? also, what type of food is really good for the hair? thanks a bunch.
Help with hair care?
Humidity has a lot to do with hair. I have short, wavy hair. High humidity just makes it frizz. Low humidity is preferable. You could be over-conditioning your hair. I would switch to one of the new Dove products appropriate for your hair type. They are free of many chemical additives found in many hair products. Vitamin E is also good, but be careful not to overdose. Too much Vit E can be harmful. 400mg daily should be plenty. Eat foods high in omega oils and vitamin A, both good for skin and hair. Use a natural bristle brush. For safest results when drying, use your fingers to comb your hair. This will reduce stress and breakage. If all else fails, consult a professional.
Help with hair care?
Maybe you should consult a doctor about your hair situation.
Help with hair care?
Lots and lots of water. And use make sure you are washing just at your roots and then conditioning only the tips of your hair. Wash only at the roots so you dont remove too many of the good oils in your hair and then use a light conditioner just on your tips to keep them from getting dry.
Help with hair care?
use frizz ease and get the shapoo and conditer seprate you only need to condion your hair once a week
Help with hair care?
I like pantene, or other higher quality shamoos and conditioners. I think that protines are good for your hair, also, I have a friend who uses grape seed oil. Good luck, and also ask your hair dresser! They are always happyt to help
Help with hair care?
Try using Loreal absolute repair shampoo and conditioner . have lots of fruits and vegetables.
Help with hair care?
You need to alternate using a different shampoo than what you usually use because your hair gets used to the same shampoo all the time. If your hair falls out that is kinda normal. But you could also need to take vitamins.
Help with hair care?
I have very thick hair, it takes hours to dry, and I color it. This is if you live in the USA. There is a new hair cleaning item I found at QVC, which is called is called Wen, it is shampoo that isn't soapy, you wash your hair with it but it is a conditioner. I have the tea TREE OIL AND FIG. but you have to get past the idea of sudsy shampoo, it cleans you hair but there are no suds. I Love it, usually 3 or 4 washings of my hair and the color starts to come out, not with this product, it is great. QVC also has a website, QVC.com.
Help with hair care?
ive had the same problem. i wash my hair every other day cause if you wash it alot it starts to fall off. straighten yer hair even its short cut the tips once it starts growing, and try Tresemme it does miracles for yer hair. foods? try eating lots ov citrus food theyll make yer hair shiny and healthy looking