Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why cant white women do black hair?

I've heard that caucasian hair care products are as good for black hair as white's, maybe even better than black hair products...

Why cant white women do black hair?

Maybe they don't have the experience. I take my daughter to a hair school, she is African-American and sometimes the hair dressers I get are white women. Many do a good job, while some just don't. I think it just a matter of intrest and experience.

Why cant white women do black hair?

they can if that want

Why cant white women do black hair?


Why cant white women do black hair?

ummm no not really cause this one shampoo took out my friends hair and she is black and guess wat the shampoo is for white people soo...there

Why cant white women do black hair?

different hair need different products

Why cant white women do black hair?

The same reason black women can't do white hair.

Maybe it has something to do with experience. Odds are if you are a black woman, you go to a black hairdresser so the hairdresser just doesn't get the same amount of time on white hair. And vice versa

As far as hair products, my friend told me that black hair requires large amounts of moisture locking products and I can tell you (I have very wavy, frizzy hair) that the products made for caucasians just do not do that much to lock in moisture, with the exception of John Frieda Frizz Ease.

Don't you just hate a bad haircut from anyone? I do.

Why cant white women do black hair?

Caucasian women can and do work on African American hair. My mother-in-law who is Caucasian uses AM-BI products.

My African American girlfriend uses the same shampoo as me a Caucasian. What's your point?

We also eat the same foods, like to read the same books and go to the movies. If you fee that Caucasian hair products are better then use them or try them.

I think I got the wrong impression of you for the way your question was worded and to that I apologize. However I don't think you need to use the language you did. Look at your question! It does sound racist. So calm down! and yes I do apologize! and yes there are differences in your hair and mind.

But a white woman in my town does do black hair quite well and yes she went to school for it. If white products work better then give them a try my girlfriend says the one with moisture in them work well.

Look how you wrote the question the second time? It makes more sense and doesn't sound racist?

Why cant white women do black hair?

Because they have not had much or no experience with "black hair". By the way, what is "black hair'?

Why cant white women do black hair?

I attended cosmetology school. And very much like others have indicated it has to do with experience. Unfortunately when attending cosmetology school in the state of Ohio, the curriculum focuses primarily on European hair. There is a section on African American hair, but if you don't study hard and really pay attention to other students who may be more experienced you'll miss it.

Why cant white women do black hair?

Simply because they have not been trained to work with black hair. And those that have been trained to work on black hair-do's do a great job........................................ Also white hair products are no different than black hair products. And the reason that they both products work on black and white hair is because we are all are members of one race the human race................................ So I am sorry to say that your racist point of view has failed to make its points...............

Why cant white women do black hair?

I have no preference with products. I use what I want whether it's advertised to "white" people or not. I love VO5. And you're right most commerical hair products marketed toward "black hair" are complete crap.

Why cant white women do black hair?

Thats funny to me cause i am half black and half white.My husband is black and my 6 children are of course mixed race,with inheriting mostly black genes they have quite thick course hair. My mom is white and she is a hairdresser and even raising me she doesn't have a clue how to care for my childrens hair. I myself have very curly thick hair and i use a mixture of hair products.I use pink moisturizer,and pantene shampoo and conditioner "for women of color" I use coconut oil for braiding my 5 girls hair.My husband brought me home some pert plus shampoo ,which i had never heard of,but it is charachterized as a shampoo for "white" people.I only wash my hair once a week,but i did use that pert and it worked fine. As for white women doing black womens hair it all has to do with expperience. Black womens hair is harder to do ,lets face the facts.It takes more maintenance,and i don't want anyone to do my hair.I myself would be more likely to go to a black women just because i feel like she would know what she needs to do.I feel like if i go to a white women she wouldn't have a clue.To black women getting a perm means getting our hair straightened,and to white women it means getting curls put in.It's just different,i can think of a hundred examples. It took me a long time to grow my hair so i don't want anyone messin it up. I see some white women that look like they need a serious dose of my pink moisturizer with their frazzled frizzy hair.Maybe it should be the opposite and you should say white women need to try black hair products cause they would work well on them!!!!!!

Why cant white women do black hair?

BC we ain't black

Why cant white women do black hair?

It is not a matter of whites not being able to do black hair. It is simply not having the need. White stylist often go to cosmetology schools that only teach you how to do caucasian hair type, which will work for alot of hispaniacs, and asian customers as well.

And black stylist learn to do every type of hair. Where I live you walk into a prodominently white salon, and there is at leat 1 or 2 black stylist. And those stylist do everything. But the white stylist usaully send black customers to them instead of doing it themselves.

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