Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is the best hair care product (moisturizer) for Natural African American hair?

I went all natural meaning I havent but any chemaicals or a relaxer/perm in my hair in almost 2 years and I have yet to find something good for it. Please HELP!!!

What is the best hair care product (moisturizer) for Natural African American hair?

just because you are black does not mean you are limited to the "ethnic" section of the hair aisle! This is a common misconception! tHERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "BLACK HAIR PRODUCTS" AND "WHITE HAIR PRODUCTS". I hate hearing ppl say that, but i used to think that too. Anyways, most African American hair products are BAD for you! The only ones i hear good reviews about are:

*Organics Root Stimulator

*Elasta QP

*Design Essentials

*Lekair Cholesterol

*And I think "African Pride Braid Spray"

*keracare(this is salon product though)



*fantasia IC

Avoid "Motions", profectiv, and that B%26amp;B stuff please! lol they suck. And do not use that crappy Pink lotion. If "mineral oil" or "petrolatum" is at the beginning of the ingredients list, do not purchase that product!

First of all, keeping your hair moisturized. This is as simple as wetting it in the shower, or wetting your hands and running them through your hair. DO NOT buy any moisturizer that has MINERAL OIL or PETROLATUM! care free curl gold and s-curl are popular moisturizers. Do NOT use that Pink lotion!

I also hear of some ppl using "sta-soft-fro" Also, I hear alot of them "cowash" meaning they wash their hair with just conditioner most of the time. I have also read that the line "Carol's Daughter" is perfect for naturals

What is the best hair care product (moisturizer) for Natural African American hair?

I dont have african hair,but I have terrible thick course hair,and I found this stuff called 911 in the black hair care section of walmart.Its amazing Its a leave in conditioner,it really makes your hair soft and shiny,I loved it.

What is the best hair care product (moisturizer) for Natural African American hair?

.....Our shampoos and conditioners are the finest available for the care of hair that is dry, damaged, chemically processed, colored and/or weather damaged. Many of these conditions are common to African Americans and people of various ethnicities. Our shampoos and conditioners help strengthen hair, smooth hair, provide moisture and stimulate growth.

We offer several product lines to choose from. We have salon grade products based on natural recipes but enhanced with the best ingredients science has to offer. These are loaded with the ingredients that are best for your hair in larger amounts than you will find in typical drug store products. We also have the best quality all-natural products you will find anywhere.

What is the best hair care product (moisturizer) for Natural African American hair?

Use a leave in conditioner every time you wash your hair. It makes it soft! Use cooking oil (the kind you fry chicken with) for your scalp to prevent from drying out and it doesn't stink or gets sticky!

What is the best hair care product (moisturizer) for Natural African American hair?


What is the best hair care product (moisturizer) for Natural African American hair?

I suggest checking our the Profectiv hair products. they have a few moisturizers to choose from. they help keep your hair moisturized and they are not greasy at all. another thing i use is garnier fructis 3-n-1 moisturizers. The comment about grease is somewhat true. You should use extra virgin olive oil to reatain moisture in your natural hair. Also products with jojoba oil and sunflower oil will work wonders on making your hair soft as well. When you do find a moisturizer that you want to try, look at the FIRST THREE INGREDIENTS on the jar. If they contain: MINERAL OIL, or PETROLEUM, do not use them. this does not moisturize your hair. it simply coats the hair to make it look healthy. when in reality it is blocking the hair from absorbing any real moisture. so your hair ends up extremely greasy and unhelathy.

You should look at the hair care forum at also! Hope I helped!

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