Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is a good baby hair care product.?

Aveeno makes good "all natural" types of baby hair care products. Johnson %26amp; Johnson products are good (you know, the "No More Tears" stuff). Also, Huggies makes hair care products.

What is a good baby hair care product.?

Johnson %26amp; Johnson

What is a good baby hair care product.?

Johnson's Baby Shampoo

What is a good baby hair care product.?

Nature's Baby makes some great all-natural hair and bath products for babies.

What is a good baby hair care product.?

Paul Mitchell, Baby Don't Cry Shampoo

What is a good baby hair care product.?

I've always used Johnson %26amp; Johnson it seems to be real good and don't bother them when it gets in their face or eyes.

What is a good baby hair care product.?

It is safe to stay with Johnson and Johnson.

What is a good baby hair care product.?

Jonson %26amp; Jonson no more tears.

What is a good baby hair care product.?

j%26amp;j or go for the generic store brand it is all the same

What is a good baby hair care product.?

Johnson and Johnson. It doesn't hurt their eyes and it makes my daughters blond hair the shiniest.

What is a good baby hair care product.?

Johnson and Johnson babies love it and they dont care if it gets in their eyes

What is a good baby hair care product.?

i like baby smells so good and doesnt usually bother babys skin.

What is a good baby hair care product.?

johnsons like everyone says so try it

What is a good baby hair care product.?

Actually I prefer Gerber baby bath products! Lots of great smells, cute bottle, and easy to dispense! Also very good at getting grease out of hair (used olive oil on my son's scalp to help with cradle cap and the Gerber stuff washed it clean easily!) My kids still use it, and it doesn't sting their eyes!

I like the lavender scent the best. The neat thing too is that you can use it on their body and hair which is nice when washing a baby, you don't have to mess with 2 different bottles or slippery soap!

What is a good baby hair care product.?


What is a good baby hair care product.?

Johnson and Johnson if its a white baby's hair but um... if you use some "jam" (hair grease) and leave it in for like 30 mins. then wash it out w/ Paul Mitchell's Baby don't cry Shampoo it works really good!!

Congratulations on your baby!

What is a good baby hair care product.?

Johnsons head to toe baby wash.

What is a good baby hair care product.?

Jhonson %26amp; Jhonson is the best is very natural for the hair so he wont have alergias on his hair skin and it does not bothers on his eyes. Also Zwitzal is a nice brand for baby products.

What is a good baby hair care product.?

Use the least expensive brand, something like Baby Magic, and don't wash their hair as often. Just like adults, babies do not need a hair washing every day. It can make their hair frizzy and dull, just like adults.

What is a good baby hair care product.?

Johns Baby Shampoo will strip the wax right off of your floors. How can that be good let alone gentle. Try dove products.

What is a good baby hair care product.?


What is a good baby hair care product.?

I like parents choice offered at walmart... cheep and does a good job... also its just an off brand same stuff as johnsons and johnsons with out the price tag goodness knows you can save every penny you have up for those expensive yet never ending stream of dirty dypers :-)

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